608 words
3 minutes
A species of liars

Belief in God or a higher power has been a cornerstone of human existence for millennia. Faith provides comfort, purpose, and a framework for understanding the world. It answers existential questions and offers solace in times of despair. But what are we without God, without something to believe in? Science has always been the killer of faith, but then it also goes and suggests that god, exists? That time has a beginning and therefore god is before and beyond time? Belief. It transcends logic and evidence, resides in the realm of personal experience and emotional truth.

Let’s take it for what it is: lies. Without them, reality is fucking unbearable, like the pills, smoke and alcohol we take just to null out the pain of existing. They serve as coping mechanisms, social lubricants, and tools for self-preservation. They are the stories we tell ourselves to keep going, to find meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe. Lies began since God stopped speaking. As consciousness evolved, so does everything else. Is nothing real? And how can we even ask questions like that?

Most lies were told for selfish reasons but they were also told to protect the feelings of others and to maintain social politeness. Selfishness stems from human connections and lies occur when the truth poses an obstacle that someone wants to overcome. Just as soldiers must dehumanize the enemy to win their wars, and people choose to believe in lies to give their lives purpose.

What happened to the world? Ask “If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more?”. And they will tell you “It’s because you are afraid.” Fear of missing out, that’s where they get you. The latest trends to do, the latest product to buy, the latest fucking anything, you dont decide what you fucking want. To be calm is a revolutionary act to the world screaming “FEAR”.

Now imagine a world without lies. Information is shared as soon as communication starts. There would be no boundaries, no insecurity, no ego, no maliciousness. A whole species living as one, with complete transparency. What are the benefits of that? I don’t know. But let me tell you what it will cost. Without lies, everyone would become complacent. True happiness comes from overcoming adversity and experiencing a range of emotions. To be truly happy is to be deeply sad at times; otherwise, we wouldn’t need to interact with each other. Emotions are meant to fluctuate, driving us to grow and adapt. Successful people seek out challenges and embrace suffering, while those who avoid pain stagnate.

So, are lies good? The answer is not simple. In a contemporary society, the concepts of “good” and “bad”, don’t usually mean shit. What really matters is what is necessary to achieve something. Lies can be seen as a necessary evil, a tool to navigate the complexities of human life. Lies protect us from harsh truths, enable social cohesion, and drive progress. They allow us to construct narratives that give our lives meaning and purpose. In other words, Lies sorta makes art lol.

In a world where happiness and contentment are fleeting, lies provide a buffer against the existential dread that can accompany raw truth. Now that information is easily accessible and transparency is increasingly valued, the nature of lies may also change. There may be a shift towards greater honesty and authenticity, as people seek deeper connections and a more profound understanding of themselves and others. The evolution of lies reflects our ongoing struggle to balance truth and illusion in our quest for meaning. As David says it ‘The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you.’

A species of liars
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